Wednesday 19 November 2014

Caesar salad with prawns in cheese cup

   Caesar salads are very popular, so I thought I have to show you my version of this amazing dish. I made Caesar salad with prawns. However it is very delicious with chicken or just plain. For two portions of Caesar salad you will need:
  • 70 g of ciabatta bread (you can use any kind of bread you like);
  • 2 big handfuls of Romaine lettuce (also you can use any king of lettuce if you like);
  • 1 tomato;
  • 12 shelled and cleaned prawns (you can use chicken or nothing if you like);
  • 120 g of fermented cheese such as cheddar;
  • 1 anchovy fillet (true Caesar salad recipe asks for 3 fillets but for my taste just 1 is needed);
  • half of garlic clove;
  • salt, pepper;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • half tsp of dijon mustard;
  • 1 tbsp of olive oil;
  • 1/4 cup of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp of freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
   Cut bread into cubes. Drizzle some olive oil. Sprinkle pinch of salt and pepper. Preheat your oven to 190° C. Bake bread pieces for 7 - 10 minutes till they are golden.

   While bread is baking, lets prepare cheese cups for our salad. Grate your cheese and divide into two pieces for about 60 g. Put gated cheese in circles in preheated pan. Bake it for few minutes till cheese is melted and bottom of cheese pancake is firm and golden.
   When cheese pancake is baked put it onto cup. When firmed, It is going to get cup shape.
   Lets make dressing for Caesar salad. Crush anchovy fillet, half of garlic clove and pinch of salt in mortar. Mix this paste with egg yolk, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 0,5 tsp of dijon mustard.
   While whisking dressing put drop by drop 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Then while whisking constantly slowly add 1/4 cup of vegetable oil (I used eco sunflower oil).
   When dressing is ready, add 1,5 grated parmigiano cheese and pinch of pepper into dressing. Also you can add more salt and lemon juice if you want. I found that this amount of dressing is too much for two portions of this salad. So you can keep extra dressing in the fridge or make more salad.
   Cut or shred lettuce into desired sized pieces. Cut tomato and bake prawns (I baked prawns with garlic and dried Provence herbs into butter).
   Finally put lettuce, tomato, bread pieces and prawns into cheese cups. Add dressing and grate some parmigiano cheese on top.

Monday 3 November 2014

Boeuf bourguignon

   I guess that boeuf bourguignon is one of the most known french cuisine dishes. So with Julia Child help we are going to make this delicious dish. This is Julia's Child recipe and as she says - "there is jus one way to make boeuf bourguignon". You can prepare this dish even a day in advance and it only gains in flavour when reheated.
   Boiled potatoes are traditionally served with this dish. Serve with the beef a fairly full - bodied, young red wine, such as Beaujolais, Cotes du Rhone, a St. Emilion claret, Burgundy.
   For two portions of this dish you will need:
  • 60 g of bacon;
  • 450 g of beed rump;
  • olive oil;
  • 1/3 carrot;
  • 1/3 onion;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • 10 g of flour;
  • 200 ml of red wine (best is the one you will drink with this dish);
  • 200 - 270 ml brown beef stock;
  • 1/3 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 g of fresh thyme;
  • 1,5 of dried bay leaf;
  • 6 - 8 small onions;
  • 27 g of butter;
  • 1 parsley;
  • 115 g of champignons;
  • 2 - 4 potatoes.
   Firs we are going to prepare meat, because it is going to stew for 3 - 4 hours.
   Preheat oven to 230° C.
   Cut bacon into lardons. Sauté bacon in 1/3 tablespoon olive oil on medium heat to brown lightly (saute bacon in the pot where meet will be stewed). Remove from the pot.
   Cut beef into 10 cm cubes. Dab meat with paper towel to remove excess moisture (it is very important step to brown meat properly). Heat the pot on hight heat and sauté beef in bacon fat few pieces at a time till meat all sides are browned. You could add more oil in pot if you needed. Brown all bacon cubes and remove them from the pot.
   Cut 1/3 carrot and 1/3 big onion into round slices. Sauté vegetables in the same pot and remove them from the pot.
   When bacon, beef and vegetables are sautéed, remove fat from the pot.
   Mix flour with 1/3 tea spoon of salt and 1/2 g of pepper. Lightly coat beef cubes and bacon lardons in flour mixture. Then put beef and bacon into the same pot again. Put uncovered pot in the preheated to 230° C oven for 4 minutes. After 4 minutes turn over meat and bake for more 4 minutes. This helps  to form a gently crust on meat.
   Take pot from the oven and reduce heat to 160° C.
   Then put wine and enough brown beef stock in the pot to just cover the meat. Put tomato paste, crushed garlic clove, 1,5 g of thyme, 1 bay leaf and baked carrot and onion pieces. Bring pot content to simmering point on the stove. Then put covered pot onto lowest shelf of the oven.
   Slowly simmer stew for 3 - 4 hours. Meat is done when fork pierces easily.
   While meat is simmering we can prepare other parts of that dish.
   Peel potatoes and put in the pot with water and pinch of salt. Start boil potatoes at least 30 min before serving meat.
   Peel small onions. In hot pan put 7 g butter and 1/3 table spoon of oil. When butter and oil starts to bubble bake onions on medium heat for about 7 minutes. Onions are done when they are lightly browned on all sides. Put browned onions in the pot with 100 ml of beef stock, 1 parsley, 1/2 bay leaf, 1/4 thyme twig and pinch of salt and pepper. Simmer onions on low heat for about 20 - 30 minutes. Onions are ready when they are tender and keeps them shape.
   Cut champignons into quarters and drain. Sauté mushrooms with 20 g of butter and 10 g of oil for about 6 - 8 minutes till they are golden brown.
   You could prepare small onions and mushrooms in advance, they can become cold.
   When beef is tender, drain liquid form the pot to pan. Remove as much fat as you can from sauce.
   Put small onions and mushrooms in pot with the meat.
   Simmer sauce for about 1 - 2 minutes in a pan. You should get about 150 ml of sauce. Sauce should be not to thick, just to cover the spoon lightly. If the sauce is to thick add more stock, if the sauce is to liquidy boil it down a bit. Taste the sauce and add more salt and pepper if needed. Then put sauce on meat in the pot.
   Till this point you can prepare boeuf bourguignon in advance. Before serving this dish simmer it for about 2 - 3 minutes repeatedly pouring the sauce on meat. If the dish was in the refrigerator, simmer it for about 10 minutes repeatedly pouring the sauce on meat. Serve boeuf bourguignon with boiled potatoes and don't forget a glass of red wine.